The Farnworth Long Term Plan will see £20m invested in the town, spread over the next 10 years. This will enable the delivery of projects that address key issues facing the residents and businesses of the town. The Farnworth Town Board is being established to ensure local people can shape the plan and they have invited people to share challenges, opportunities, and ideas for the changes. The Farnworth Town Board want to understand what people think the vision should be for the town in 10 years. PLACED (Place Education CIC) supported in this process, leading public engagement activities for the Farnworth Long Term Plan.
What did we do
PLACED’s public engagement for the Farnworth Long Term Plan took place during April and May 2024. We delivered meetings and workshops with key local individuals, organisations and groups, pop-up engagement events where residents could share their views, and an interactive website (https://www.placed-engagement.org.uk/farnworth).
The engagement we delivered for the Farnworth Long Term Plan will help shape the way the investment is spent, ensuring it has the greatest impact possible on the town, shape the vision, and decide where funding should be invested
This is the beginning of a series of consultations throughout the lifetime of the Long Term Plan. Our engagement report will shape the themes and priorities identified for investment.