Better Places Together – Taking Ed On The Road

In 2017, we ran our Better Places Together campaign, to highlight the importance and value of engaging people in design, planning and decision making.

We believe we can only make better places together. Our campaign provided evidence that people want to get involved and that we need to create new ways to make this happen.

During our three-month campaign, we took Ed the Campervan on the road. We popped up across Liverpool, visiting Williamson Square, Derby Square, Lark Lane, Baltic Creative, London Road, Ropewalks and Liverpool Pride at St George’s Hall.

Over 1,000 people got involved in creative activities and conversations about spaces, places and having their say. People of all ages and from a wide range of backgrounds engaged with us.

People told us they want to be more engaged in planning, design and decision making. They want to have their say about places where they live, work and play.

People told us being more involved would make them feel empowered, happier and better connected.

But, there was a big gap between how much people want to be involved – and how they see opportunities for getting involved. People told us they don’t have a voice in decisions. They don’t believe anyone is listening.

We shared updates and findings through our blog and social media. We produced a campaign report and shared this with decision makers.

Our findings sparked our plans for Ed’s Place – our pop-up home in Liverpool City Centre, which was open for a period of time in September 2018.

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